Chaperone Opportunities
Weld County 4-H Leaders who are at least 21 years old can be a chaperone to a wide variety of events. Some events may require leaders to fill out an application and do an interview to be a chaperone.
You have an opportunity to make the travel, training, or camping experience of young people a positive, life-long memory. You’ll be able to develop close relationships with some wonderful young people, help them develop life skills and be a role model for them.
4-H Chaperone Expectations
Be an active participant! Joining in on the activities allows you to interact with, and set a good example for, the students. Youth look to you to set boundaries and provide leadership. Chaperones are expected to comply with the same rules and are needed to help enforce them.
Every county is responsible to designate chaperones for youth at 4-H events. This should be accomplished well in advance of any event. Chaperones are mature adults who help and guide youth participants. Chaperones are responsible for monitoring youth behavior. Chaperones assure that youth attend all event sessions, understand, uphold and follow Code of Conduct expectations, respect the rights of others, to be quiet after curfew, report any observed damages or facility problems to event managers, and serve as good role models. Chaperones are expected to attend event sessions. Chaperones volunteer to help make events the most educational and meaningful experience possible for youth.
Chaperones are responsible for the supervision, advising, and any needed disciplinary action of their delegation. Primary responsibility for youth behavior rests with the chaperones who are acting on behalf of the 4-H Youth Development Program at the level at which they are selected.
In emergency situations, take appropriate steps first (911, police, fires, etc.) and then inform the event organizers.
We recognize that counties may be sharing chaperoning responsibilities of male and female youth. Make sure your youth know to whom they are responsible.